Birkat Reut association has been working since 2012 to promote equal opportunities for populations with special needs by providing tools for these populations to integrate into Israeli society.
Every week we have 150 trainees participating in regular activities, as well as another 150 trainees who participate in special, one time activities. Throughout the year (every year) the various activities are mentored by members of the community task volunteers (named after Avraham Arnan who was the first commander of the IDF's Sayeret Matkal). Additional volunteers also help out with the various activities during the year. All activities are carried out by volunteers.
Kibbutz Palmach Tzuba and its members actively take part in the association. In addition, the kibbutz has placed its buildings and infrastructure at the service of the association and its activities. This helps to save resources. Tzuba sees these activities as an integral part of its vision.
The association serves as a bridge between children with special needs and farmers, teenagers, members of Kibbutz Palmach Tzova and many other good people; it is bridge that allows a connection of love and affinity to man and the land.
Our goal
The Birkat Reut association, which operates at Kibbutz Palmach Tzova, is a supportive framework for diverse activities for populations with special needs. The association's purpose is to contribute and to establish a place which includes equal opportunities to special needs populations,
which will allow them to fit into and to engage the wider Israeli society.

Our activities
The association runs weekly classes such as carpentry, sewing, activities in a green house, in which spices are grown, nature activities in the "Children's Island" grove accessible to people with special needs, a special class for the blind, assistance in running a day center for autistics (started in 2017), Equal Coffee "which are a social gathering and stage for people with special needs and different populations of Israeli society, one-time activities in the woods and more.
About the kibbutz
Kibbutz Palmach Tzova was founded in 1948 by Palmach members of the Yiftah Brigade and the Negev Brigade who fought in the battles of the Jerusalem Corridor and decided to establish their home in Tzova.
Kibbutz Palmach Tzova is named after the Palmach and maintains this unique tradition. Our kibbutz flag is stalks and a sword. Kibbutz Palmach Tzova is a cooperative kibbutz, in which branches of community life are maintained while emphasizing education for work and love of country.

About the year of volunteer service before enlisting to the army
These young volunteer people come from all over the country. They all live together in a commune with a common budget, experiencing group life and sharing. The volunteer service group finances itself from working in the kibbutz's orchards.
Members of the year of service work during the day in agriculture; after work they are available for the various volunteers. Members of the group carry out a wide range of educational, social tasks; this constitutes the main focus of their volunteering. They are responsible for the framework in which they volunteer. The volunteer service implements this vision through the "Birkat Reut" association.
On the plantation branch
Tzova's first orchard was planted on the kibbutz's land in 1948. In a 2,000 dunam plot of land, Palmach Tzova's farmers grow deciduous crops (apples, nectarines and pears), wine grapes, and olives for olive oil.
The agricultural work is mostly based on the "Hebrew" 'work. The center of this activity is the permanent members staff and the volunteer service workers who work in the orchards, representing ideal values, educational and economic (carrying on the traditions of the Palmach training). The staff members of the orchard at Kibbutz Palmach Tzuba began operating a few years ago in a manner that intergrates a significant contribution to the community.